Hey Dolls,
How are we all? I hope keeping well. I am currently so tired. Sitting on my bed listening to the GLEE soundtrack whilst writing!
Last night I went to the Big Brother final wrap party which was a big party at Embassy nightclub in London for fans of Big Brother who could buy tickets and ALL BB housemates EVER.. Well, this was clearly not the case due to major lack of housemates. It was more of a BB11 party with Shabby, Corin, Jo, JJ, Govan, Andrew, Mario, Nathan, Sam Pepper and Sunshine in attendance. Others there were Greek Gerry, Katreya, Lad Sov, Victor, Nasty Nick, Jade Goodys mum, Angel, Bex, Darnell, Hira, Beinazir, Rex, Alex (Remember I told you! ye, her) and a few other randoms. Big brother was on for ten years. Where was PJ? Or Spencer. I would have loved to have seen Helen or even Bubble. I was sad that Chantelle and Preston were not there, or Nikki and Brian. Even DJ Talent was there and he wasn't even a housemate, just an attention seeking fame idiot!
So, I guess you all want to hear some gossip from the party right? Ok, here we go!
The biggest shock I got, was Corin and JJ having a good ol snog. I think JJ is a really nice guy, as for Corin, I am not so keen. She was a drunken mess last night and I overheard her being a bit rude towards some girls. All they wanted was a picture.
I have to say I love Gerry. He is like the big friendly Greek giant. He wears some odd clothing but I don't think he cares. I do think he cared about a certain young boy that was there though! Andrew is too cute. He seems like such a gentleman and is loving all the female attention he is getting. I didn't see much of Shabby, I heard she was swearing at the paparazzi most of the night.
I absolutely adore Nathan. He is such a funny guy and really down to earth. He says what he feels and thats fine. He is so sweet as well, he brought his Aunt along with him to the party. I went up with my friend Mel and we picked up my darling friend Govan and his friend Roma, who was absolutely divine, from St Pancras station. In towe with him also was Sunshine. From the minute she got in my car she was moaning. If you don't like it love, get a taxi! From then on, she was miserable all nigh. Apparently Corin had a go at her because she accidentally spilt drink on her and then Sam Pepper was shouting at her. I get the feeling Sunshine is not really liked by many of the housemates and she seems like a bit of an outcast. Like I said last time, I love Victor, he is lovely and always happy to take pictures with his adoring fans!
Talking of fans, flippin heck! It is mad how many people are obsessed with these Big brother stars. At the end of the day, they are only normal people but ones that were watched by millions on a reality show. I was sat in the VIP section with Govan, Mel and Roma. To get into VIP you needed to have a wristband (which were given out by Billi Bhatti - who to be honest loves himself and left his cards all around the club.) Whilst sitting having a drink, these adoring fans were all pushing past trying to get pictures and trying to climb over the barrier seperating the VIP area from the dancefloor. It got so mad, the bouncer got annoyed and I think he gave up.
Lady Sov and Sam Pepper looked very close but apparently they have become good friends. I think I would rather befriend a donkey on steroids. Sam is not my cup of tea. He was nice when I originally met him at a charity event but now he has got a bit big for his boots and thinks the world of himself.
The best part of my night was dancing with my friend Mel and a group of gay guys. We were all singing and dancing hard! Was great. Oh, another great part was seeing Leigh Francis. I was shocked to actually see somebody "famous." I shouted "ehhhhh Keith Lemon you legend" in his face! He actually laughed and did not care.
To be honest, you are probably thinking, "is that it?" Well, yes. Not much really happened. I am happy I went because I had fun and met some nice people and got to party with Govan and Mel. As for Big Brother housemates, thats it. They will now go back to their normal lives as will we! I will miss Big brother being on TV because I love watching it. Apparently Channel 5 are trying to buy it, and if they do, I will deffiantely audition!
For now dolls, that is it. Have a great weekend to you all. I am going to be partying tomorrow night at China White for a friends birthday. We have a table and a lot of free vodka.. Don't mind that.
Lotsa love...
Little Miss V..x