The other night my wife and I got onto Netflix to find a good movie to watch. While scrolling down the list we came across the movie “Letters To God”. I vaguely recall once hearing about this movie and we decided that although it would probably make us both cry, we’d give it a shot.
This is probably one of the best movies I have ever seen. And yes, we both cried. I will recommend it to anybody wishing to see a great spiritual movie. For those of you who have not seen it, the movie is about an eight year old boy named Tyler who has cancer in his brain. Throughout the movie this boy stays faithful by writing letters to God and sending them in the mail. Through his faith and devotion, many others in the movie start to come to know God in their own lives by writing letters to Him as well. By the time the end of the movie comes, it is amazing to see how many lives this child has touched by his letters to God.
At first this doesn’t seem like much to everybody. They think it is cute and his own way of staying strong. As the movie progresses, however, they discover it is much more. This young boy has a TRUE relationship with God. The kind of personal relationship we all should strive for. This is Tyler’s way of praying. So many of us get caught up in our own lives that by the end of the day when we are tired and ready for bed, our prayers become less meaningful. Just one more thing to add to the “Before bed” list along with putting on our pajamas and brushing our teeth.
How wonderful would it be if all of us could learn to have that true relationship with our Father in Heaven? The kind of relationship Jesus had and taught us we need to have. The grandmother in the movie says at one point, “Prayer is just telling God what‘s in your heart and asking Him to help you with it.”
The key point that we need to remember from this is that He is not just God….He is OUR Father in Heaven. Think about a child who lives with his family in California moving to college in New York. He wouldn't have the opportunity to visit his father that often but his father would still love to hear from him on a regular basis. Do you think that our Heavenly Father, with all of His infinite love for us, wouldn’t want to hear from us on a regular basis as well. Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”
God hears and answers our prayers. It is always through His will and not ours but they ARE answered if we believe in Him.
In addition to just focusing on ourselves, we are at the same time being an example to others. When we are close to God it shows on our continence for all to see. They become inspired by what they see in us. Tyler just wrote letters to God in this movie, yet his example cause so many others to come to know God a little closer as well and their prayers were answered too.
I would encourage each and every one of you to go and watch “Letters to God” if you haven’t already. It is a wonderful movie with such a great message for each of us. Let’s all do better with our relationships with God. Always have a pray in your heart. Talk with your Father. Tell Him about your day, your goals, your worries, and your sorrows. Ask Him for help with anything you need. HE WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU. May God bless each of you in your own lives forever!