Lil Wayne's upscale Miami apartment is proving a difficult sell due to the

Lil Wayne - Smoke Weed Everyday Hosted by DJ Heartbreak // Free Mixtape

smoking smoking weed lil wayne smoking

lil wayne Snitch Alert: Assistant Says He Saw Guns and Drugs On Lil Waynes

Lil Wayne…what an odd compilation

One listen to this track and there's little doubt -- Birdman and Lil Wayne

Lil' Wayne smokes weed. (Allegedly). Shocking, right?

After sampling Lil' Wayne's I am Not

Lil Wayne is currently facing gun charges. His assistant Terry Bourgeois

Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked Lil Wayne if he was indeed addicted to cough

Lil Wayne Smoking Weed Pics

Lil Wayne's New Songs 'Hot Revolver'

Lil Wayne has revealed that he still smokes weed but only for medicinal

saw people smoking marijuana

I just smoke weed

Lil Wayne Smoking Weed Pics

Lil Wayne's Rolling Stone Cover

lil wayne weed. From Vibe. According to the NY Post's Page Six column,

Rapper Lil Wayne Busted With Weed -- Again

Steelers receivers use Lil Wayne